Millionaires don't pay full retail; now you don't have to.

Did you know that most millionaires would tell you how to become rich if you'd only ask? Here's something else which is true, millionaires are telling how they became rich every day in their articles and published materials. 

You can be rich too. It isn't some "one" thing that you do and you are automatically "rich"; like everything this is a process and you start changing the things you are currently doing and you build toward this.

As I was reading from a book of one of my mentors, Dean Graziosi (Real Estate Guru) I came upon this:

The best business managers in the world actively manage the top line (sales) and the expenses to maximize the bottom line (net income). We all can run our personal "“businesses” more efficiently. If you can find a way to save without creating a hardship for you and your family, then I encourage you to cutback and pocket the savings. If you have high interest credit card balance or consumer debt, then this might be a great place to use these savings to accelerate the payoff of this debt. I encourage you to develop a millionaire mindset in managing your personal lives.  

I like how Dean speaks about our "personal business" because I've "preached" for years on how one should conduct his/her personal life as a business. But more to today's point I want you to see how he is speaking about "cutting back and pocketing the difference". 

If I showed you a way to get up to 5% cash back every time you purchase something you already are buying like groceries and gas, would you do so and then take this additional money that you get and use it to pay off debt or increase your overall lifestyle and maybe even help others? 

I have shared this easy way with many people and you may have guessed that not everyone takes me up on it. I know, crazy right? 

People would rather whine and complain instead of correcting things and moving forward. I've had people tell me things like: "I don't shop online that much". Ah, who said you "have" to shop online? 

I don't even have time here to tell you all the excuses people give me. 

I'm here to share something with people who want to make a change in their finances. You won't get rich overnight but by getting cash back on every purchase and not pay full retail every time you buy what you are buying anyway will get you there over time and will free you from a lot of needless stress. This does not add any more effort to what you are currently doing because you have to shop anyway, but now you can do what the "rich" do by not paying full retail and you'll even do better than them; you'll actually get cash back (the businesses pay you to shop from them as part of their marketing budget and strategy. It's working, there's only over 5 million members doing this with 60,000 companies offering discounts and cash back in 47 countries; I think this is something that is here to stay). 

So, are YOU tired of paying full retail? Are you getting cash back every time you buy? If you think this is too good to be true or some other nonsense continue your life as you are; you are not ready yet; come back later. If you want to find out more, CLICK HERE

Learn to communicate better by influencing the influencers.

Anyone who reads, or is a writer and loves reading usually loves communicating with people. If we are honest, we’ll admit that sometimes when we see someone of influence we immediately become shy, or any number of “stupid” things come to our mind which block our going forward and making an acquaintance which may be pivotal in our life.

John Corcoran offers some great advice.

He covers three “limiting” beliefs which hold back even the most gregarious communicators:

Limiting Belief #1: “I don’t have anything to offer"
This is the most common refrain I hear again and again. And it is simply not true.
We look up to some successful influencers – perhaps a business owner who has dozens of employees and a business earning multiple seven figures of revenue per year – and we think there’s no possible way we could have “anything to offer” that influencer.
So what do we do? We give up. We don’t even try.
In fact, it’s not hard to find ways in which you can “provide value” to the influencers you meet.
All you really need to do is learn about the influencers you want to meet. You need to be attuned to their needs and wants.
Once you know what they need (rather than what you want), you can be responsive to it and help them tremendously.
Where do you find information about influencers you want to meet?
Not that long ago, it could be very difficult to find information about the influencers in your industry, particularly if they kept a low profile.
Today, it is much easier. Social media websites or simply googling a person’s name can reveal a lot of information about that person.
You may be able to learn a bit about his or her interests, hobbies, family members, and even favorite sporting teams. All of this information is valuable when you are looking for ways to “connect” with someone.
Limiting Belief #2: “I don’t have the Time”
One of the most common barriers I hear frequently is “I just don’t have the time.”
Its sounds something like this: “I recognize it’s all about who you know… but I just have so much on my plate right now… my ‘to do’ list is a mile long. I need to service these clients, pick up the dry cleaning… you name it.”
So what happens? Do they create any progress? Nothing happens.
The truth is, you don’t need much time to build relationships with influencers and VIPs in your industry. You can build relationships in just 10 minutes/day.
The key is consistency and building the right habit under the right system.

Limiting Belief #3: “I just need to get the email addresses of a few VIPs”

Do you really think if you only had the email address of a few VIPs, that would be enough?
We like to think there’s a quick solution, a “hack” that will accelerate our progress.
It’s simply not true. Sure, you need to find email addresses to reach out to certain VIPs, but there are many other ways of reaching out which may even be more effective.
This is like saying "I could be an astronaut, if I just had a rocket ship." The logic is fundamentally flawed.

But there is a better way. READ MORE. 
Currently, one of my projects is promoting the building and creating of  "Loyalty Merchant Communities" all over the USA. Quite often I'll contact "busy" business owners and John's description of the "limiting beliefs" come up quite often and this of course holds these people back from legitimately earning an additional income stream of $10K (and up to $100K as time progresses) each month. If you would like more information on how my team is growing across the USA by helping owners of small to medium sized businesses to better connect with their customers and earn substantial residual incomes by doing so, CLICK HERE. 

Forget TV gurus and late night commercials; here's the real scoop on fitness and weight loss.

These Techniques For Youth-Enhancing Fitness
And Weight Loss Are Really Hard To Find

Unless you've been Editor-In-Chief of a fitness magazine, trained with the very best fitness athletes in the world for over thirty years, AND can read minds, you simply cannot find this specific System anywhere on the planet but on this page.
Sure, you can find similar approaches to fitness. After all, some of these ideas were stolen from Iron Man long before many of us were even born! And, if you really wanted to, you could order all the back issues, spend about 100 hours on Google, and probably track down 80% of what Becky and I cover in Old School, New Body.
You could do that...but why?
We've not only created the system FOR you. We've already put the workouts, the nutrition plans, and the action steps all into one short, simple to read, easy to understand handbook that you can read AND put into action in about 2-3 hours. That's it. Short, no fluff, and right to the point.
So, it's up to you: get the Handbook that we've created for you, or start digging around and hope you figure it out.  READ ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE. 
And, not matter what you decide, you will never access our amazing transformation stories (just look where Becky started in her 40s!), all the specifics that can make or break your results, and all the freebies I'm about to show you without choosing to own your copy of Old School, New Body.

This works for anyone, male or female, no matter
how young or how old you are

F4X works for YOU!Over the past thirty years or so, Becky and I have seen one prevailing lie told over and over again...
"Guys have to train THIS way... Ladies, you have to dosomething completely different.It's a crock!
ONE simple System... OUR System... will work for anyone at any age, without drastic modifications of any kind.
That means you can shape up with your husband or wife, or any of your friends, without worrying about "getting too bulky" or "not working hard enough." Becky and I work out together all the time. I use more weight on my F4X Protocol movements, simply because I like more muscle, and I'm naturally stronger...but our methods are exactly the same!
Steve and BeckyNow, look at me... then look at Becky:
The same exact workout System produced these drastically different results. But how? Why do I look muscular, and Becky looks so lean and sleek?
Because the F4X Protocol has THREE (3) PHASES. Each phase is designed to give you exactly what YOU desire for your body—nothing more, nothing less.
Let me tell you about these 3 Phases... READ ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE. 

Can you "give" too much? Share your stories.

Hello dear reader!

Thanks for coming here and reading my words of which I hope help you in some way. It means a lot that you come here out of your day and if I offer you something which can help you live a more successful life starting with today, and this very moment I feel that our time here is worth the digital ink.

I’ve always been a “giver” and sometimes that’s been a good experience and other times less than good. At times I would say that it was “successful” and other times not as successful as I would have liked.

What denotes whether our giving is good, bad, and successful or not? Like most things evidenced by the “fruit on the tree” in our lives. This book offers answers that are meaningful to me and I hope you’ll find things you can use too.

Can I get your opinion? Right now I’m offering the book to my readers to get opinions and stories which will make the book more complete. Later I will offer it on Amazon for now it’s yours free whether you offer your opinion or stories; I want you to have it.

Get my new book: Give Your Way to Wealth (a $9.99 Value) FREE. Go here. 

Download this book today absolutely FREE and start helping yourself by helping others (you can actually give the book away to people on your website and blogs free too!) Click on pic: 

TODAY'S MYSTERY BOOK; WHAT IS IT TODAY? Also, CLICK HERE to see what the Free Book of the Day is and if you’d like join as a member and get one every day! Check out the BOOK OF THE DAY to download and share!          

I look forward to having you read my book and getting your valuable feedback soon!   


Life and Legacy Coach. ® 

Do What you Want - And Live Longer!

As I was reading, an old book; actually a collection of Readers Digest articles and this one from the year 1950, I was truly enlightened by the wisdom of its author. The title was: Do What You Want- and Live Longer. The author was a doctor by the name of Thurman B. Rice. No one calls their kid Thurman anymore (that I know of) but the topic is a appropriate for today as then; with the “jury still being out” with his “on the side” advice about not having your windows open while sleeping, taking cold showers in the morning, and exercising has waxed and waned in opinion since then.

He shocks some readers at the outset by stating that a client mom was worried because her Tommy would not eat his spinach when he suggested giving him strawberries with cream instead. He went to explain that vitamins and minerals were packed in those strawberries and cream and since Tommy loved them, he would eat them; problem solved. The article continued with how we often deny ourselves the “strawberry and cream” of our lives in many ways and also some great stories of others who found the strawberry patch of purpose in their life before it was too late.

 I wanted to share just a few sentences which jumped off the page to me, with you.

“You’re not truly living unless you get a kick out of life; you’re simply existing”.

That hit home with me. As a life and legacy coach ™ I’m always helping people to live with balance. To help others, I first have to help myself and this was a good reminder to treat every day as the gift that it is and to enjoy every moment.

Another excerpt that resounded with my soul was this: “The world is full of good and pleasant things put there for our enjoyment; sun and rain and food and sleep and love and play and laughter. (Sounds a lot like my Major8 ™ to me; author’s note). If we turn our backs on them, are we not guilty of ingratitude to their Creator?”

One word in the above paragraph stood out to me: “rain”. Who of us thinks of rain as a cause for enjoyment (or “snow” during this time here in Wisconsin where I live)? Sure, maybe when we were kids but now? Friend, I think that is the author’s point; we need to be “kids” again! Also I think that the author makes a very good point as far as these things being gifts to us. How would you and I feel if we gave a gift to someone and they did not use or appreciate it? Oh, the ingratitude!

The last paragraph I think is his most powerful. “The really successful man is the fellow who gets paid for doing the thing he likes to do. He’ll not only be happier but the chances are he’ll live longer, too. In the Book of Proverbs it is written:
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” There’s no other medicine to be compared with it”.

Ter Scott
Author and Publisher

PS. If you were a friend that I hadn’t seen for a while and we met again and you asked me, “What are you doing now?” I would hand you my “Life and Legacy” business card and tell you “I help people make money doing what they love”, when can we have coffee sometime? Now if you live anywhere in the world and we meet through my articles as we are now, I am telling you (yes, you) that we need to get together sometime; and we can do so via email. Our first email chat is free and if you’d like to pursue further email “chats” there may or may not be a fee, depending on the situation. To start a chat with me, complete a response form: CLICK HERE.

PSS. CLICK HERE to get my FREE book of the day!

CLASSIFIED AD: If you can read and write, you can easily start making money -- every day -- as a freelance writer from the comfort of your home. And, I'll prove it to you. START BRINGINGIN CLIENTS IN LESS THAN 1 WEEK -- REALLY! I explain it CLICK HERE. 

CLASSIFIED AD: If you want to learn how to write, publish and market your own book or ebook through online channels, this Kit will walk you through the entire process, from a blank page to a finished money-maker... CLICK HERE. 

Where can I get books to give away on my site?

I just shared where I find many of my books that I use for my talks and more. I share here how you can get them free and earn income by giving away books for free. You can read about it here.

Free "Law of Attraction" Book here

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How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Get The Life You Really Want

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Get The Life You Really Want

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Get FREE BOOK; How to Get What You Want this year!

Hello fellow readers! Here’s my Monday FREE BOOK for this week! Enjoy! 

How to Get What You Want
Tips and Techniques That Reveal How to Finally Get What You Want
  • How to easily transform your desires into reality.

  • How to finally end the frustration of feeling like you're always held back.

  • Learn simple ways to create the things you want out of life, quickly and easily.

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I’ve created a method that shows you exactly what to do by taking a 30 day journey with me, watching YouTube videos and then assist you in choosing the legit ones and the one that is right (and profitable) for you. Oh, and the price? ZERO! (At least for now). CLICK HERE.