Ter Scott's book Journal the End Times offers the complete Book of Revelation and plenty of room to Journal

If you are here, you may have purchased my book, Journal the End Times. 

Satan doesn’t want you to read Revelation. Why? It’s because it is called “Revelation of Jesus Christ”. He doesn’t want you to know the “revealed” Jesus Christ. Satan wants you to think that the book is confusing and too hard to understand. That is another lie. And, he wants you to think it is scary so you should be afraid to read it. That too is so far from the truth. It is clear that Satan wants to keep you from the truth.

You are holding in your hands Journal the End Times. This is the complete book of Revelation (King James Version) that you can use as a combination book and journal. Think of it as a regular journal that includes the Book of Revelation. Or, use it as a study guide. When you read a verse or two and you have a thought, write it down. When you hear a teacher or preacher talking about a verse or a section of Revelations, write it down. When you see how a verse refers back to the Book of Daniel or a verse where Jesus is speaking, mark that down. As you read Revelations you will see how this is the culmination of everything else you’ve read and experienced in both the Old and New Testaments. 

I have been reading from the Book of Revelation now for some time and I plan to continue to do so for as long as I’m alive. The entire book is only 22 chapters. I make it a point to read one chapter a day and when I’m through with chapter 22, I start again at chapter 1. I am not an expert on Revelations. But I get something from God every time I read it. I continually see how it “answers” and “compliments” other parts of the Bible.

Immediately, at the outset of this book, John says this in Chapter 1:3 -

Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

Do you want to be blessed? If so, you got everything you need right now, right here in your hand. Read it. Study it. Make notes and record your thoughts as God speaks to you.

Lord bless.

Terry Lee Scott

If you are reading the Book of Revelation for the first time ( or again and again as I do), there is a very good chance that you already know the Lord. But, I know that many, who do not know Him see something about the end times, see the chaos, see wars and rumors of wars, and want to know “what’s it all about”.

Reading Revelation will help answer that question. But without knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you can read the Book of Revelation and the entire Bible and it will mean nothing to you.

The Bible states in 1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned”.

So, again I say to you, if you are reading this and do not know the Lord; meaning that you’ve not surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, let’s take care of that right now. Today is the day of salvation. (Before I became a Christian, doing this sounded crazy and “scary” but it really isn’t. It is sin that makes us think surrendering to God is scary. Before Adam sinned, he and Eve walked with God all the time! God made us, but we are born in sin because of what Adam did, and now to be right with God again, we must be “born again” through Jesus Christ.

If you are tired of trying to make things work on your own, living a life without knowing your true purpose and why you are here, and are ready to accept Jesus into your heart, you can do that now.

I know that phrases like “accepting Jesus into your heart” may seem strange, but like I said already, that’s all because you are not on the side of God. You are looking and thinking in “sin”. You are not discerning things spiritually.

I know what I am asking you to do next may seem strange to you. And I will add that this is not “hocus pocus” or some kind of “formula” to get saved. This is called “The Sinner’s Prayer”. I will also tell you that you may not feel anything, or you might fall to your knees in tears after you say this. Either way, after you’ve recited it, and you are sincere, then you are a child of God and will live eternally with God. But just like when you were born naturally as a baby, you are now a baby in Christ. It is so important to get into a Bible believing church, to read your Bible daily so you will grow in God. Just reciting this prayer; saying it and not living it will make you wonder whether you were sincere or not when you did.

Here is the Sinner’s Prayer. Read each sentence and then speak it out loud to God. He will definitely hear you; He’s been waiting for you. As you say these words, be sure to search your heart and know that you are being genuine and sincere.

Pray this.

Dear Lord Jesus,

I know that I am a sinner, and

I ask for Your forgiveness.

I believe that You died for my sins

and rose from the dead.

I turn from my sins and

invite You to come into my heart

and into my life.

I want to trust You

and follow You

as my Lord and Savior.

Take control of the throne of my life.

Make me the kind of person

That You want me to be.

That’s it. But now you must grow like I’ve mentioned. Tell someone right now what you’ve done. If you don’t feel that you can share with a family member or friend, call a pastor or a Christian who you know.

Jesus told a story, called a “parable” in His day which explains why it is so important for you to find a church that preaches and teaches the Word of God. It is from the book of Matthew, Chapter 13, and goes like this. 












Can a Coloring Book really Change Your Life? Author, Designer and Graphologist tells why he Created the book.

 Meet the author... I will be presenting a Zoom session to anyone who wants to know more about how the Therapeutic books came about; specifically the one on sale right now on Amazon, Therapeutic Coloring: CIRCLES TO CALM. 

The details are not worked out yet but I wanted to give you a "heads up" and gauge interest. 

Here is what I'm thinking. Feel free to offer your comments... 

Meet the Author by Zoom. 60 Minute session where I’ll share why I published the book and more importantly, how to use the book correctly. This is no normal coloring book. When you change the way you color you will literally change your life.

Fee to attend: $20 payable via Paypal, entire amount of proceeds goes to charity.

Or, purchase the book and get free admission.

The date and time will be announced. I’m just gauging interest right now.

Please let me know in the comments here, at my blog in the comments

and if you have questions you can even use the contact form on the blog site.

I'm very excited about this new book and I know that it will help many people. Thanks for your support!


Therapeutic Coloring: CIRCLES TO CALM get a Free Sampler and more ...

To request your Free Therapeutic Coloring: CIRCLES TO CALM Sampler, please request it by using the contact form on this page. Please be sure to state "Sampler" in your message. 

Purchase Therapeutic Coloring: CIRCLES TO CALM on Amazon - please visit https://tinyurl.com/AMZcoloringhelps

Thank you so much for your interest. I will publish related items soon so please return often. 

If you have questions or would like information on booking Ter Scott, Graphologist to present at your event, please inquire using the contact form. 

Can a Coloring Book Change Your Life?

Designer/Graphologist, Terry Scott says “YES!”


March 2, 2022. Superior, Wisconsin. Most people know about today’s coloring book craze among adults and some know of its therapeutic benefits. However, designer and graphologist, Terry Scott goes far beyond mere coloring and explains the why for this popularity and offers a real solution through specific circular shapes for coloring over 100 designs his book, Therapeutic Coloring, Circles to Calm. He instructs participants in the actual manner of motion that the hand should move to get the maximum in melting stress, dissolving anxiety, and bringing calmness, peace and harmony into one’s life.

“This is no ordinary coloring book.  I introduce the principles of ‘Grapho-therapy,’ the science of writing, drawing, coloring and doodling in a predetermined way to bring about desired changes in one’s life,” states Scott. “This combines with what I know to be true as a graphologist (one who reads personalities from someone’s writing or printing), with circular design elements placed within illustrations, and I assure that when anyone completes one or more of the examples in this ‘first-of-its-kind’ coloring book, the life of the person coloring, changes almost overnight”.

Scott adds, “With all of the stress in today’s world of COVID, international tensions, and currently with taxes looming near, a full-sized, adult, coloring book of ‘Circles to Calm’ is a sorely-needed pain reliever”.

He plans to have a child version available before the end of April 2022 because coloring helps youth who are ravaged by stress, and fears not known to previous generations.

Therapeutic Coloring; Circles to Calm sells on Amazon and Scott offers a free sampler version that contains four exclusive, original designs not in the book. Request yours free at www.ColoringHelps.com.   

ASK/All Solutions Known, LLC


Want to know more about this topic? Please email terscott@coloringhelps.com

Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/AMZcoloringhelps