Learn a "Word a Day". The letter "B"

Which of these five words do you already know? Which words are you unsure about? Which of these words do you use in your conversations?

Choose one or two words from this following list to use in your conversations this week. Find the definition by clicking on the word which takes you to a page. At the bottom of the page you'll find the definition. This is a great way to learn plus it takes you to informative articles, videos, products and services by those "advertisers" who support this site.

Write both the word and the definition on a 3 x 5 card, carry with you and use it at least once per day in your conversation. Then return to find new words!

For five "A" words CLICK HERE.

Day One, learn up to five words which start with the letter "A".

Every day for 26 days we’ll work with the correlating letter of the alphabet (A for DAY 1, B for DAY 2, etc. through Z for DAY 26) and then we’ll repeat. People are usually time starved and even learning a new word or several can be a large task.

By choosing one or several of the words from the daily list, writing the word and its definition on a card and both reviewing it and using in that day’s conversation will indeed increase your word knowledge and not so surprisingly your IQ.

Below are 5 words for today’s letter. Choose one or several of which you are unfamiliar. Ask yourself what you think the definition is. Then click on the word and you’ll go to a page with an article. Below the article are the word and its definition. Write it on your 3x5 card and use it in your conversation all day.  

Are you an artist? How would you like to have your decorative letter displayed on this blog with a link back to your website, totally free. Just think of the exposure! All letter art submitted becomes our property to reproduce without any remuneration to the artist except for the link to your website. For details, inquire using the contact form on this page.