Ter Scott's Success Hack: Don’t be a slave to social media.


Success Hack No. 2 Don’t be a slave to social media.

Not every hack is going to be easy to implement, actually many of these might be a little difficult at first. however once you replace old habits with good habits these will become easier and even more profitable. You’ll realize savings in time and money. You’ll actually, in a sense create more time (which is impossible; we all only have 24 hours in a day). You’ll find yourself freeing up more time and using it for whatever you want. And you will  create more money. What people say about time being money is wrong but they both do work together.

So here’s the hack. Do not look at Facebook until after 5:00 PM or at least the end of your “work” day. So weekends and any days off, feel free to look at social media all day if you want. But I’m pretty sure that after I share this hack with you that you may even want to do a social media “fast” on your days off!

If you are currently and employee, you have “employee thinking” but I assure you this this hack is not for your employer’s benefit and, if you are an employer reading this, it is definitely for your benefit. Hack number 2 is so beneficial that as an individual in any type of situation and age in life, even as a high school aged person, you don't need to be wasting your life on Facebook and other social media until after 5:00.

Let me explain why. I will do this by asking you a question.

Are most of the things that you see on social media (and I'm talking mostly about Facebook because frankly that's been the one that I spend a lot of time on) mostly positive or negative?  If we agree that it's mostly negative let me ask you another question.

Is it a good idea that when you're trying to be profitable, positive and powerful in moving forward and doing great things in your day to affect your life that you should be stopping your momentum to fill your mind with negativity?

This week, try an all-day social media fast until you are done with the “growth” part of your day.  When you are done “growing” your best in self, monetarily and in all areas of your life, only then allow social media into your day. Even then you might want to set a timer because I’m sure you are like me and others, who get on social media and then realize that an hour or two is gone past!  Why regret how that hour or two, whether positive or negative, negatively was used here because it could have been invested in yourself, your family, creating income or something more profitable in a thousand other way.

Don’t be a slave to social media. Be a master over your time, your thoughts and your media. Add this tip to your life and try it for at least 7 days. The first day or two you’ll probably fail but continue. I think you, like I, will  add more joy, more profitability, productivity, and even pleasantry into your life.

See Success Hack No. 1 

Sign up for Ter Scott's Success Hacks System 

I'm creating this book about Success Hacks over time and I need your help. In return you'll see each hack like the one you read above as I'm building the book. You'll be able to use the contact form or the comments at the end of each post and get my reply. (Your comments will help me to make the book better). You'll be a part of this Success Hacks System for less than half the price of the book when it is published. It's a "no-brainer" if you really want more from your life, time and money. 

Always getting into your online webinars late because you don't have the links readily available? Try this.



I have a word document saved as Webinars Do and Delete.

When I get an email with webinar information, I

·         first register for the event and then assign it to my calendar. To make it easy to find the link, I copy and paste the entire email message in this Webinars Do and Delete document.

·         When my calendar shows I have a webinar scheduled, I open the document and click the link.

·         When the webinar time and date have passed (whether or not I was able to attend), I delete the information.

I continually add information about webinars and delete the information after I’ve attended or the event has passed. You can probably use this idea for other events and things but I was always getting to my computer to log into a webinar just minutes prior to it starting. This success hack has helped me to be able to quickly find and log into a webinar just minutes to attending.

This is Success Hack one of fifty from Ter Scott's Success Hacks for Busy Business People. Find out how you can get these hacks one at a time as a "system" before it gets published into book form. Get details here.

Watch WebinarNinja quick video and see why other creators and coaches love it. 

WebinarNinja Home Page

Success Hacks by author Ter Scott is actually a coaching system you can get for just pennies!


I want you to have my book, 

Success Hacks – 50 Tips for Busy Business People 

for at least half price; before it’s published. 

Here’s what I mean.

I’ve been working on this project off and on for some time. And I want you to help me finish it. You can even be part of it.

Right now it is in the draft stage. It hasn’t been edited so grammatically it needs work but the principles are off the chart in effectiveness so I don’t want you to have to wait. I have over 50 tips that you can be using right now that could be used to triple your income, triple your effectiveness in probably every area of your life and since I know that I’m using them now and achieving great results I know that you could be too and you shouldn’t have to wait until it’s absolutely perfect to start achieving those same results in your life.

Here’s option A: Wait for up to a year until a slick paperback version is published and available for $19.97 on Amazon. Or…

Option B: Order the book as a “system” or “program” for only $9.97 and

  • ·         every week get one tip as I get it polished and ready for the final published version. They will be published in a blog post where you’ll have the opportunity to  
  • ·         ask questions and offer comments after each blog post; about the tip as to how you’ve used it, how you revamped it for your situation, what you added or subtracted to make it better

I will communicate with you via the comments on the post so others can benefit too

I’ll make the updated tips available free on the blog so you’ll always have the latest and greatest.

I’ll also share free resources and some for minimal cost with each blog post which are of course always optional.

If you have questions, please use the contact form on this page. If you are ready to order Success Hacks – 50 Tips for Busy Business People as a “work in progress” and overtime get much more than you ever could with just the published version, click the PayPal button on this page and get this for only $9.97.

You’ll also be the first to know when the published version will be available and I will definitely give you a fantastic offer if you choose to join me in the launching of its publishing date.