Ter Scott, Author of The Chicken that Soared to make Appearances at Organizations to Promote Soaring Success Stuff.

I'm very excited to offer the chance for you, your business, or your organization to partner with me and my book, The Chicken that Soared. 

I want to promote others of all ages who are pursuing and living their destiny by being with you, wherever you are in what you do. I want to create videos of me reading this book in various locations and situations. 

Here's how it works. 

Use the contact form on this page to briefly tell me how you, your business, or your organization honors people who have "Soaring Success Stuff". 

If I and my team agree that it's a fit for our view, then we'll contact you to get more information which may lead to having us come to your location and film me reading a section of The Chicken that Soared and promoting you, your business or your organization. 

Possible locations and situations might be reading this in a fire truck, airplane, lions cage (safely), submarine, or your board room; it's only limited by your imagination - let it soar! 

You can learn more about The Chicken that Soared at Amazon

You are here: https://tinyurl.com/soaringplaces 

Have you read the book? 
I'd love to have your comments as to what you think 
in the comments section below. 

Got questions? 
I'm available to do readings at your library, school or youth center 
at no fee if it located in Duluth MN/Superior WI areas. 

Use the contact form on this page to connect with me.