Get a Signed Childrens Book Cover for Free (except for a little bit of your time) by author of The Chicken that Soared.

I am seeking people who love to read children's books. 

The Chicken that Soared will be published soon 

and you can be a part of its history! 

Win a signed copy of the Cover Art by the Author! 

When you are one of the next 50 people who join as a Prelaunch Team Member, you'll automatically be registered for a chance to win a signed copy of the cover art (shown above). To join, just use the contact form on this page and state your name and email in your message and say that you want to be on The Chicken that Soared Prelaunch Team. 

I invite you to be part of this book launch which will be in the near future (TBA). In the meantime, I'm am creating a team of people who will commit to purchasing the book the first day it is published (or close; second or third day is OK; the sooner the better of course). 

The book will be made available free or for very little; like a dollar and will go to its regular price after the first week. 

Would you like to join the team? 

For being on the team, you'll get ... 

  • The first notice as to when the book is published on Amazon so you can purchase it as soon as possible to get the cheapest pricing. 
  • Access to The Chicken that Soared Facebook community where you'll get updates from me and "surprise" goodies like free signed pics, discounts on Soaring Success Stuff, and more. 

There's more that I can't think of right now but you will see everything as it happens at the Facebook group: 

When you are one of the next 50 people who join as a Prelaunch Team Member, you'll automatically be registered for a chance to win a signed copy of the cover art (shown above). To join, just use the contact form on this page and state your name and email in your message and say that you want to be on The Chicken that Soared Prelaunch Team. 

This motivational "fable-for-today" is about a baby eaglet who thinks he is a chicken destined to remain to scratch and pecking out a life every day in the yard with his siblings. One day he sees an Eagle high in the sky,  and he knows what he was supposed to do, but it will not be easy; that is until a teacher appears. Youth and adults ("kids with long legs") are inspired to discover their destiny, prepare for it (in spite of any obstacles and naysayers along their way), and then later when achieved, handle success with grace in this success saga. Eagle One's lessons learned will be appreciated by kids of all ages. 

The Chicken that Soared, Life Lesson One: Every day is Mother's Day

 Request to be on the launch team of the soon-to-be-published "The Chicken that Soared" (A fable for "kid" in all of us) and just for doing a few quick and simple things you'll get a free digital copy and a ton of other cool stuff. And oh, by the way, every day is Mother's Day. 

Every day is “Mother’s Day”

Did you have a mother who cared and loved you so much that she watched over you “like a mother hen”? Maybe that wasn’t so bad. In the first chapter of The Chicken that Soared, Mother Chicken was a very caring mom.

Mother Chicken looks out from the window of her dusty, happy henhouse at the clouds and over the hills.

Mother Chicken spends most of her time sitting on her eggs, One,

Two, Three, and Four. One, Two, Three, and Four are the same color. One, Two, Three, and Four are the same size.  And One, Two, Three, and Four are all there. They are quietly sleeping in their shells. 

Mother Chicken becomes hungry and wants to leave the henhouse to scratch in the dusty farmyard and find some food to eat. Before leaving, she makes sure that One, Two, Three, and Four are all there, all the same size, and are all quietly sleeping in their shells. She covers One, Two, Three, and Four with straw to keep them warm while she would be gone. 

It doesn’t have to be Mother’s Day to tell your mom how much you love her. And you can be a young child like the chicks in The Chicken that Soared or you and your mother might be much older. Why not take your phone right now and give her a quick call or send her a little note. I know she’d appreciate it!

Did you like what you read? This is just a very small snippet of what I’m calling “Today’s Fable for Finding Your True Destiny”. To learn your true calling and purpose while young is the best but I find that many like myself spend most of their lives as “wandering generalities” to some degree and that’s why The Chicken that Soared really is for the “kid in all of us”. I hope you feel as I do the power of purpose and the importance of instilling this in youth so much that you’ll read the fable yourself and also to the “youth” in your life.

JOIN OUR PRELAUNCH TEAM and get the book free! 

If you would like to help me in this mission, I am creating a “launch group” to give the book a boost on the day and week it is published. If accepted into the launch group, you’ll get the digital version of the book for free a few days before the launch. Then on the day of the launch, you’ll order the book from Amazon (while it is available for free). I’ll give you a link and picture to share on your social media to tell your friends it is available free for a short time. 

After you’ve ordered your book, please give me your honest review (not on Amazon) and I’ll send you a “frame-able” print of the book cover as my gift.

This will be a lot of fun and won’t take any time at all really. I’ll probably add some other cool stuff for the launch team because I like giving things away.

To be considered to be on the launch team and find out when the publish date is and all the exciting things, use the contact form on this page and simply tell me why you want to be part of the team with your name and email.

Ter Scott, Author of The Chicken that Soared