Every Situation has a Solution, is it you?

Week 4 of 52

If you are new to these 52 Weeks to a Better You I invite you to get the intro notes here. To review last week's assignment visit here

You may consider marking off on your calendar the week you started this 52 week journey with your thoughts and results; or write them in your journal. Or you may wish to print all of these and 3 hole punch them and place them in a binder. I know that you (when you did last week’s assignment) grew “big time”. Don’t forget where you’ve been or where you are going; now, let’s get going!
This week’s assignment comes from my millionaire friend, T. Harv Eker known widely for his mindset work around money, those who have it and those who would like to have “more”. His book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is full of assignments and this is one I borrowed (using my twist, of course).

“I am the solution to every situation.” Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Write down a (negative situation) you are currently going through in your life.
List 10 specific actions you can take to resolve, to solve or at least improve the situation. (This will move you from problem thinking into solution thinking). T. Harv Eker says that this may do two things; you may actually solve the problem or at least feel a heck of a lot better!

This is my “tweak” on Harv’s 2 step assignment. I don’t believe in problems; they do not exist. I do find myself in situations. Situations are neutral and socalled “problems” usually have negativity tagged to them. But that is for another lesson. For now, write down one situation you wish to deal with and write 10 down 10 “specific” actions you “will” take to move forward. Try hard to get at least 10 actions before you stop. Now, write your “situation” on a 3 x 5 card with 3 of your top actions and refer to your card 3 times daily for an entire 7 days, even if you have “solved” your situation sooner.

Be sure to leave your comments below.

See you next week!

Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™