Can you "give" too much? Share your stories.

Hello dear reader!

Thanks for coming here and reading my words of which I hope help you in some way. It means a lot that you come here out of your day and if I offer you something which can help you live a more successful life starting with today, and this very moment I feel that our time here is worth the digital ink.

I’ve always been a “giver” and sometimes that’s been a good experience and other times less than good. At times I would say that it was “successful” and other times not as successful as I would have liked.

What denotes whether our giving is good, bad, and successful or not? Like most things evidenced by the “fruit on the tree” in our lives. This book offers answers that are meaningful to me and I hope you’ll find things you can use too.

Can I get your opinion? Right now I’m offering the book to my readers to get opinions and stories which will make the book more complete. Later I will offer it on Amazon for now it’s yours free whether you offer your opinion or stories; I want you to have it.

Get my new book: Give Your Way to Wealth (a $9.99 Value) FREE. Go here. 

Download this book today absolutely FREE and start helping yourself by helping others (you can actually give the book away to people on your website and blogs free too!) Click on pic: 

TODAY'S MYSTERY BOOK; WHAT IS IT TODAY? Also, CLICK HERE to see what the Free Book of the Day is and if you’d like join as a member and get one every day! Check out the BOOK OF THE DAY to download and share!          

I look forward to having you read my book and getting your valuable feedback soon!   


Life and Legacy Coach. ®