Because the price was a little more than the father could afford, he told his son no. But there’s more…
Dr. Bill Ligon, one of the great pastors in the state of Georgia, tod me a story about his teenage son that struck me deep in my soul. Dr. Ligon’s son asked if he could have a car. The son was a model youngster in every way. His grades in school were honors level. His participation in the church was enthusiastic.
This model teenage son had located the exact car that he wanted. But because the price was a little more than the father could afford, he told his son no.
Dr. Ligon said to me, “Later the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, ‘It doesn’t pay to be a good boy in your house.’”
So the next day Dr. Ligon went to the bank and borrowed the money. He bought the car, drove it home, and parked it in the driveway. Then he placed the keys in his son’s hands and said, “It pays to be a good boy.”
There’s still more…
By the way, Dr. Ligons’ son is now an outstanding lawyer who is presently servicing as a judge in Georgia.
Excerpted from The Seven Secrets

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